Do you describe your company’s activity as complex or unique?
In that case you need not only an ERP solution, but an extensible platform, which can be easily integrated with other applications useful to your organisation. SeniorXRP has the ideal solution to this need.

Ce iti ofera What does SeniorXRP offer you?

SeniorXRP is already integrated with a variety of niche solutions designed to cover specific business activities.
It ensures easy integration with applications you already use.
SeniorXRP is built on the Microsoft .NET platform, which is the standard in the software industry. The solution can be customised with the help of Microsoft tools, with which the development team is already accustomed. You will be delighted to see the ease with which you can modify the application interface or generate custom reports and dashboards.
See how SeniorXRP fits your business model!
Choose the solution that successfully covers people needs in all departments, from HR and Finance to Procurement, Sales, B2B, or Logistics.
SeniorXRP can be integrated with external solutions, intended for carrying out the activity in optimal conditions

SeniorXRP, integrated with the other solutions in the Senior Software portfolio, for your business complete management
Manage in real time, control and optimise all activities and resources in the production process, from the moment the order is received, until the final product delivery. The system provides users with accurate information regarding the progress of activities in the factory.
It manages the warehouse inventory and reordering processes, optimises storage, automates operations, and automatically sends inventory information to the ERP. From receipt to delivery, you manage your merchandise more efficiently with the modern WMS solution offered by Senior Software.
Budget and financial planning is at your fingertips, thanks to the only performance management solution on the market, with integrated Business Intelligence functions. The CPM solution from Senior Software offers a multidimensional performance management environment and allows the automation of the following processes: Planning & Budgeting, Simulation & Forecasting, Reporting & Analysis, Dashboard Generation and Financial Consolidation.
Plan the production in detail, so that you know at any time what and when to produce, with what people and on what equipment, test alternative scenarios for solving problems in the factory. The APS solution offers you a series of advanced algorithms that help you decrease production planning time by up to 60%.
Analyse the main financial indicators of the organisation in real time, through interactive reports, easy to create and modify, with a minimum of IT knowledge. SeniorVisualBI is a reporting and analysis system, developed on the Tableau Software platform, the world’s leading data visualisation platform.
SeniorINVENTORY tells you what to order, how much to order, when to order and where to store the goods, so that you get a perfect balance between your business profitability and the services quality offered to customers. The system calculates the stock requirements starting from the sales history analysis, and automatically sends purchase, transfer or production orders to the ERP.
The SFA solution automates the entire direct sales flow, from the time of preparing the visit to the point of sale and to the analysis & optimisation stage, while monitoring the activity of the field teams. Thus, it helps the producers and distributors of consumer goods to obtain the maximum results on the ground.
The HR system manages the entire employee development within the company, from recruitment to retirement, and performs all wage calculation operations. In addition, the application offered by Senior Software is aligned with global HR process management standards and practices.