Reasons to choose the SeniorXRP Fixed Assets module
You have full visibility into fixed assets and depreciation. The module helps you manage the depreciation plans for the fixed assets that you own, rent or lease. This component is fully integrated with the other application modules.
The benefits offered by the
Fixed Assets module?

Fixed assets are managed from acceptance to scrapping. Apply the appropriate depreciation plan from the existing ones, pre-set in the system, or create a new one according to your needs.
Configure the pre-set depreciation plans, in accordance with applicable law. The system supports all depreciation methods provided by law: linear, degressive or accelerated.
Acceptance, depreciation calculation, re-evaluation, reporting and more can be quickly automated in SeniorXRP. Easily transform purchases into fixed assets without re-entering data into the system. Eligible purchases are automatically displayed to simplify the conversion process.
You have instant access to historical information through reports and dashboards that you find in the system or that you create according to your needs.
Check out how SeniorXRP can fit your business model!
Choose the solution that successfully meets the needs of people in all departments, from HR and Finance to Procurement, Sales, B2B, or Logistics.
Some of the features of the
Fixed Assets module:
- Management of fixed assets in accordance with the nomenclatures and the catalogue of fixed assets
- Management of the acceptance process of fixed assets
- Tracking the re-evaluation reserves at incorporation
- The management of the scrapping operation and the discharge with records of the re-evaluation reserves
- Prints for the Fixed Asset Sheet and Asset Balance
Management of re-evaluation reserves at depreciation, which become:
- Re-evaluation reserve similar to income if discharged together with the registration of depreciation
- Share of non-deductible expense with depreciation if not discharged together with the registration of depreciation